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Democrats Scare Too Easily
If you’re right, don’t be afraid.

Democrats advocate for positions that are broadly popular with a diverse coalition. Two thirds of Americans believe that protecting the environment should be prioritized over economic growth. The biggest tax problem, according to Americans, isn’t how much they pay, but how little corporations and the wealthy pay.
Here is just a smattering of the data:
On guns: 60% of registered voters support stricter gun laws in the US.
On immigration: 56% oppose building a wall along the entire border with Mexico, 83% approve of DACA, and three quarters believe immigration is an “overall good” for the country.
On healthcare: Support for pre-existing condition protection is nearly universal, and a national “Medicare-for-all” plan enjoys majority support.
On abortion: Majority of Americans want Roe v Wade to stand, just 21% want to overturn it.
On same-sex marriage: 67% approval for nationally recognized same-sex marriages.
Here are some caveats. First, there are a few issues (such as the death penalty), where a majority of the country favors the Republican position (in this case, pro capital punishment). Second, while a majority of Americans support something nebulous like…